The Base Skin

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Creating a Classic Skin: The Base Skin --> Paint the Main Window --> Paint the Equalizer Window --> Paint the Playlist Window --> Paint the Minibrowser Window --> Paint the AVS Window --> Paint the Winamp 2.9/5.x Windows --> Create Custom Cursors --> Edit the Configuration Files --> Compress to .WSZ format --> Submit to

The Winamp Base Skin

The Base Skin is a copy of the default skin built into Winamp. All you have to do to skin Winamp is paint over or replace a skin component with your own design and voila, your own personalized version of Winamp. You can replace any or all of the components in a skin. Anything you don't replace will use its Base Skin counterpart. Naturally the Base Skin components will look out of place, so we suggest changing every file.

The Base Skin Breakdown

The Base Skin can be split into 6 logical segments which consist of the following files:

1) Main:

     Main.bmp: Main Frame
     Titlebar.bmp: Titlebar
     Cbuttons.bmp: Control Buttons
     Shufrep.bmp: Shuffle and Repeat Buttons
     Volume.bmp: Volume Bar
     Balance.bmp: Balance Bar
     Monoster.bmp: Mono/ Stereo Indicators
     Posbar.bmp: Position Bar
     Playpaus.bmp: Play/Paused Indicators
     Numbers.bmp: Digit Reference
     Text.bmp: Text Reference

2) Equalizer:

     Eqmain.bmp: Equalizer Main Frame
     Eq_ex.bmp: Equalizer Window Shade Bar

3) Playlist:

     Pledit.bmp: Playlist Editor Frame/Buttons

4) Mini-browser:

     Mb.bmp: Mini-browser Frame

5) AVS:

     Avs.bmp: AVS Frame

6) For Winamp 2.9/5.x: (Thanks to Jellby)

     Video.bmp: Video Window
     Gen.bmp: General Purpose Window
     Genex.bmp: General Purpose Buttons and Sliders